Is your name written?

Is your name written?

As the Seventy returned from their commission, they joyously reported their success to Jesus, specifically reporting that even the demons were subject to them in Christ’s name!  (Lk. 10:17).  That must have been an incredible experience for those seventy followers of Christ.  However, Jesus let them know there was something far more worthy of their joy: “Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Lk. 10:20).  Feeling the power of Christ was wonderful, but Jesus taught that far greater was the fact that they followed Him and their names were known by God and recorded in Heaven.

Toward the end of Revelation, the Apostle John refers to the very book in which the names of the saved are recorded.  Speaking of the great and final Judgment Day he says, “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books” (Rev. 20:12).  Clearly, the Day of Judgment is a day for all people.  Small and great alike will both be there.  That means the important and the seemingly unimportant people; the powerful and the weak; the famous and the common.  No matter what your lot in life is, you will be there.  No amount of money will buy your way out; no amount of power or influence will improve your circumstance.  In the end, it will be you and the Judge, and His books.  You and all of mankind will be judged according to the works done here on earth.  And finally, the Book of Life will be referenced.  If your name is not found in the book, then you will be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15).  How terrible the thought of standing and watching Christ flip through page after page of that great book, until finally He reaches the end and closes it.  Imagine the terror of realizing suddenly your name was not written, and thus you are lost.  At that moment, none of your worldly accomplishments will mean a thing.  It will not matter how many degrees bore your name, how many trophies were etched with your name, or how many times people praised your name in print.  No earthly accomplishment will take away the sting of realizing your name is not written in the one place that matters most–the Book of Life.

On the other hand, think of the joy that will come to those whose name is found in that great book.  Imagine the joy of hearing your name read from that book, and receiving the invitation from Christ to come and live with Him forever.  Imagine, among all the great and small present, to have your name read from that great book!  It’s comforting to know that no matter how insignificant we might seem to the world, if we are obedient to God’s Word, He knows our name and it is written in His book!  It is amazing to me to think there are people in my company that don’t know my name; my mayor doesn’t know my name; my governor doesn’t know my name; the President of the United States doesn’t know my name–but God almighty, the Creator of the universe–He knows my name!

There are many things that might bring you joy in your life, but there is one thing that should cause joy more than anything else–knowing your name is written in Heaven.  But is it?  Is your name found in that great and wonderful book?  Or is there still a blank spot where your name should be?  Have you obeyed the Gospel and are you living in accordance to God’s holy Word?  If not, it’s time to do something about it.  As long as there is breath in your body, God is giving you a chance to come to Him and to obey His will, and to have your name added to the Book of Life!

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