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Month: September 2017

Autumn 2017 Issue: The Lord’s Supper

Autumn 2017 Issue: The Lord’s Supper

The Autumn 2017 Issue is now available!  The night before His crucifixion, Jesus ate a final meal with His beloved disciples, during which He instituted the memorial feast we know as The Lord’s Supper.  This beautiful memorial is an integral part of the Christian’s life and worship towards God, but over the years mankind has changed and updated this sacred feast to fit his own designs and desires.  Even the early church in Corinth did this, and was reprimanded severely…

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Book Review: The Intolerance of Tolerance

Book Review: The Intolerance of Tolerance

We are living in an age of redefinition (or at least, attempted redefinition).  Over the past several years, we’ve watched modern, western culture redefine morality, marriage, and even gender.  As age-old concepts are redefined in the public’s eye, there has been another key alteration – the redefinition of tolerance.  As agendas have been pushed, those that oppose the change are immediately slapped with the label of intolerance.  When someone stands for a traditional view of marriage, they are said to…

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Book Review: The New Testament Documents

Book Review: The New Testament Documents

Author: F. F. Bruce Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company & Intervarsity Press Originally Published: 1943 ISBN: 978-0-8028-2219-2 Over the past 2,000 years, the Bible has withstood onslaught after onslaught of varying attacks.  Men have tried to outlaw it and they have tried to destroy it, yet still it exists and is read.  Over the past few centuries, a new attack has taken place – an attempt to discredit the Bible.  After all, if it can be proven that the…

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The Tri-Unity of God: Q&A

The Tri-Unity of God: Q&A

The topic of the God-head and the Trinity is one that interests and perplexes many people.  Do Christians serve one God or three?  How can three be one?  Is it important?  In this brief article, Andrew Richardson tackles a few questions concerning the tri-unity of God.